Young Lions 2024 Competition

GREAT NEWS! We’re taking our Cannes Lions Representative-ship to the next level this year. In partnership with Hey! we’re sending 7 teams of Young Lions Talent to Cannes this year. The selection process will take place in March/April, but Young Lions who feel the need, the need for speed (and a trip to Cannes) can register on our website. Registration closes the 17th of March at midnight!


Miguel Aguza, Business Communication Director Orange:


At hey! we like to set up incredible initiatives. Being associated with the Young Lions Competition allows us to express our support for the Belgian creative sector in general and the young generation of creatives in particular. 

In exchange for a creative, critical and fresh look at our brand, hey! and Brightfish are sending the best of them to Cannes. Amazing, isn’t it?”


It absolutely is, Miguel! ;-)


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